

           Welcome to


Our Scapa Flow weeks cater for groups and individuals of up to twelve divers. The charter includes five days diving,

with five nights onboard accommodation, 2 dives per day, all your air fills, breakfast and lunch.

For evening meals your welcome to use the onboard facilities to self-cater,

or you may prefer to eat out at the various pubs and restaurants.

Saturday is our day for maintainance and for stocking up with Oxygen and generall stores.


A typical week would consist of leaving the pier by 07.45hrs on Monday morning,

then a self service continental breakfast is provided first thing on the way out.


The first dive of the week is usually the Coln a Light Cruiser laying on her starboard side in 35 meters.

We will arrive on site ready to dive by around 08.30hrs.

Then after the first dive of the day,

Fiona has the homemade the soup ready


We always allow at least two hours between dives.

We like to go into Lyness at some point during the week

to visit the Museum and give you some insight and a real feel for the true

Scapa Flow experience.


Then off for a second dive on another cruiser, or a WW-2 destroyer

After your second dive of the day there is a hot meal ready for you as we head back to Stromness.


We are usually back in port by around mid afternoon allowing you time to visit some of the famous local attractions.

Italian Chapel, Highland Park Distillery, Skara Brae, Masehowe, Ring of Brodgar along with local museums and galleries.


Tuesday morning we like to start on the battle ships, normally the Kronprinz Willhelm, which is the shallowest of the

three battle ships, followed by a shallower wreck in the afternoon,.

Our aim is to give you the very best that Scapa Flow has to offer.

But if your a regular to Scapa and have an itinerary of your own in mind then that's OK with us.


The last dive of the week is on Friday afternoon and we are usually back in port for around 1500hrs, giving those catching the 16.45 ferry on the Friday evening  adequate time to board

There is also the option of catching the 23.45 ferry from Kirkwall, this is a popular option as it allows the group to get together for a meal at the Indian restaurant as well as cutting off a good chunck of the drive as you would arrive into Aberdeen for 07.00hrs on Saturday morning.

Divers must depart Invincible by 17.00hrs on the Friday evening.